
Living With a Blind Dog


Blindness is a health condition that will affect dogs of ages. Some dogs are completely blind while others have an incomplete loss of vision. There are lots of reasons for vision loss in dogs and, therefore, several ways to deal with the blindness. It can be extremely upsetting for your dog owner to master a beloved companion is now blind. Fortunately, you can find things you can do. Learn how to help your blind or visually impaired dog by educating yourself about blindness in dogs.

 You are your dog's advocate and the very best person to simply help your puppy adjust to life without vision.

How Can I Tell If My Dog is Going Blind?

In some instances, it's very obvious that the dog is blind or has inadequate vision. The dog bumps into walls and other objects, has trouble seeing toys or food, and doesn't make eye contact. Dogs with poor vision are often reluctant to jump around or down from heights. They may seem uneasy in new places and act clingy with their owners. Some blind dogs understandably feel more vulnerable and may show signs of fear or even aggression in order to protect themselves.

In other cases, especially when the onset of blindness is more gradual, dogs learn and adapt to the vision loss and show few signs there's a problem. This is the reason it's so important to create your puppy to the veterinarian regularly for routine wellness exams. It could be possible for your vet to detect small changes in your dog's eyes during the exam.

123 Sample Rd, Samplington, SA 12345
(555) 0123